Canada East Coast Trip
Discover our trip by clicking the points and lines on the map and enjoy the slideshow!
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{DIV(id="slideshow", width=300px, height=300px, float=right, class="bild-rechts")}Loading ...{DIV} So yeah it´s just one week that we got back from our trip! This trip where we had i think a kind of like - like my darling likes to say - the very best of the East Coast of Canada...
and I could imagine that you feel the same if you like fresh fir tree tasting air while paddling on a lake where you can observe the sun coming down behind the trees ...
...or if you love rough hiking trough woods and climbing up little canyons while kissing a moose or at least have a quite short look at these shy creatures ;-)....and at the end get to this breathtaking view and feel like the kings of the eagles....
as well if you love long endless routes in the middle of nowhere and driving along gorgeous coastlines....
hmmmm, and this very best of the Canadian food, big fat red lobster-yammy!!! (To enjoy this delicious thing was not that difficult because of all that non-European fried and deep fried, double x large fried fish something during the trip ;) ) if you love all these mentioned things and more (e.g. numbers of whales which are near to your feet for photo shooting, and strolling around at the seabed while low tide) go and explore Canada!!!
for having a kind of an idea where to go make use of our unforgettable experiences or just re experience and dream with us while watching the pictures=)
If you have problems to see the pictures on the previous map, follow this links for the photo galleries: * Start & First Day * Algonquin National Park * Montreal * St. John & St. Martin * Bay Of Fundy * Cape Breton * Prince Edward Island & stuff * Quebec City
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